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w|edge folk:land Survey Project, is a multifaceted mobile art installation designed to incite social engagement acting on the premise that the health of our land is a direct reflection of we folk who inhabit it. Inspired by the historical American tent style wedge and “edge” which indicates the outside limit of an area.  Folk refers to participants and that the project facilitator is a self taught surveyist. The goal of “w|edge” is to provoke dialogue about environmental and social interest concerning sustainability using hand-made and found tools, survey and art making methods through: 1) written surveys regarding the participants’ relationships with the survey area and that of their home 2) participants assist in an artful land survey by obtaining data using measurements, observations and tests including soil, water and light, which are processed into drawings on site and 3) utilizing funds granted by Popp's Packing, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Erb Family Foundation, w|edge provided Lead and Copper Corrosion tests to participants during NOMAD Detroit to sample their personal drinking water. Samples were sent to the Michigan DEQ Drinking Water Laboratory, which issued results directly to participants, the Health Department and w|edge.

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